Hire Power’s “The Resource” | January 2021 | The Kickstart Edition

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Hello all!

To those whom we have not had a chance to speak to personally in January, we wish you and your families every success and good health in 2021.

Our year has kicked off at warp speed and our mailboxes overfloweth with CV’s from applicants at every level (thanks to the negative effects of the pandemic).  However, it has become very clear from the quality of the applications received, that many folks still really don’t know how to craft a powerful CV.  Our January edition of “The Resource” is jam packed with help and support for those who are starting out in the job market (many of us have kids at university). Furthermore, there’s an interesting article about how to transition from a specialist to manager role and what to include in your CV to show your leadership abilities.  And lastly, for the more experienced managers and executives in our midst, it’s critical to include several elements to showcase your leadership agility, and experiences at how you’ve been able to mobilise a team under tough economic conditions.

Hire Power has launched a free How-To-Guide to assist applicants on redefining their candidate experience.  It all begins with a strong CV – it should be a marketing tool and not a history lesson.  Hire Power is offering a new service where we evaluate your current document, conduct an interview with you and offer insights on which job portals suit your job searches best.  Our package offerings are listed on page 3.

For the full length articles feel free to visit www.hirepower.co.za/blogs/.

We wish those who are preparing for their financial year-end everything of the best – may SARS return to grace us with their support.  We are on-hand to assist you with any staff recruitment matters that you currently have or may foresee for the next two quarters.

Happy reading and let’s keep in contact.

Jeannine, Monique and Kirsty.

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